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I have very recently had a late diagnosis of ADHD. I have always struggled with structure and deadlines, but the thing that I find most difficult is not to interrupt people when they speak, if I didn't vocalised what I was thinking then and there it was gone and if I try and keep it in I feel like I'm going to explode!

An old friend mentioned that she'd had a late diagnosis and it lead to chats about myself, she'd known me both at school and as an adult so was in a very good position to comment. I'd had people mention it to me numerous times before but for some reason I didn't catch on I thought they said it to everyone!

I became a bit obsessed with finding out, so off I went and booked an appointment with a psychiatrist. As soon as I was sent the pre screening forms to fill in and I was going through them with both my husband and my brother I knew there was only one way this was going to go........and sure enough after 2 hours of probing I had a diagnosis, she spoke through different options with me and what it meant to me, to be honest I don't think that it really means anything to me other that then fact that if I can understand ADHD better I can understand myself better which can only be a good thing.

Things I have done in the past which looking back on are deffo ADHD traits:

  • Always chatting in school and having to be moved to the front

  • School reports saying that I did not fulfil my true potential

  • Not knowing how to revise

  • Doing well in subjects which had teachers that I got on with

  • Bought of anxiety and depression

  • Smoking at 15, possibly even younger

  • Impulsive behaviour

  • Forgetting to eat and then eating rubbish as I was so hungry

  • Obsessions

  • Hating small talk

  • If there's an interesting conversation happening next to me I can't concentrate on what I'm meant to be doing, same goes for if the fridge is beeping....nothing happens until that fridge is closed.

  • I LOVE socialising, but if there are too many people, it's too noisy and I feel like I should be doing something I hit overwhelm and basically stand there not doing anything or talking to anyone.

  • Can procrastinate over anything, until about an hour before it needs to be done and am then like a super human ploughing through it at a rate of knots. (I vividly remember doing some geography coursework on the computer when floppy disks were still a thing, not saving it and 11pm losing all my work just as I was finishing it waking my parents up to shout at them about it and having to stay up until 5 am to finish it.

  • Am very good at out of sight out of mind, O I'll put this in the cupboard and finish it's lost to the world of the larder cupboard.

  • I have a stack of presents which I have bought for people that have been bought over the years, but I have never managed to get them to the post office, so sorry to anyone that I have said I have a gift for and it's never arrived (I'm not lying about the gift, just can't seem to motivate myself to get to the posting stage and then I forget about it)

  • My eldest daughter has just recently started school and I have booked swimming for my others at the time I need to collect her from school, scheduled meetings and numerous other tasks.

When I look at this list it seems a lot, but it's the way I have lived my life and I don't know any different and also there are massive benefits which I love and would not change

  • If I want to do something, I will do it. Start a podcast yep, run a half marathon yep, rearrange the sitting room for the 100th time at 9pm on a Sunday night yep.

  • I think differently, I don't know how to explain this one other that I can listen to the same thing as other people and come up with a completely different take on it.

  • I love being around others and get my energy from talking to engaging and dynamic people.

  • I know how people are feeling, I can tell if something is bothering someone or they are heading toward burn out often before they do.

  • A song sense of justice, if you are my friend and I think you've been wronged my gosh I will stand up for you (the problem is sometimes you won't want me to and that's when I find it hard to stop)

  • I am a risk taker, even with my children I let them climb and attempt to establish their own boundaries of what feels right for them (my husband is the opposite and I think this drives him insane when he sees them scaling a tree)

  • I encourage people, you would surprised at the number of people who I have (almost bullied) into joining me for a 6am walk/jog.

  • I have high energy (when engaging in things that I want)

  • I enjoy bringing people together

  • My house is always open for people to meet conjugate and have a good time. I want it to be a social hub and a place that people feel comfortable coming too. Someone knocked on my door the other day before walking in and I was surprised, if people are coming they just walk in and that's the way I like it.

I'm sure there are going to be a lot more things that I discover along the way, but for now this is it (well actually the children are awake and my concentration is shot)

So it's bye for now! I've given myself a challenge of blogging every day for 30 days so you'll see some random thoughts popping up on here.

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