How to Get Over Imposter Syndrome
Updated: Jun 21, 2022
We are delighted to host a guest blog by Christine Krogfoss, have a read look her up, and of course as always we would love to hear your comments.
Christine Krogfoss is the go-to Business & Mindset Coach for Coaches & Consultants who want to build and grow the business of their dreams, so they can live a life of Freedom, Impact and Luxury!
Christine’s got years of experience with Online Marketing and Sales, and has been studying spirituality, mindset and manifestation for more than a decade. Her approach is that we need a balance of it all to build an affluent business.
Connect with her on Instagram @christinekrogfoss

So many people around the world right now are feeling bad about themselves. They have this nagging feeling of not being good enough in what they do, whether that is them applying for a new job, thinking about their partner, in their career, business, in how they look… In every area of our lives, it is common to feel insufficient, feeling like you are not good enough.
This feeling is called “the imposter syndrome”.
I am a Business & Mindset Coach for coaches, and through my work as a coach, I see all the time so many people out there struggling with feeling like they are an imposter.
Furthermore, most of the time, they’re not even aware that they are struggling with the imposter syndrome. Instead, they just feel bad, or stupid, or wrong, which makes them feel “insecure”.
First we need to realise that what we are struggling with, the nature of the thoughts we are having, is coming from “I’m not good enough for this”, aka the imposter syndrome. Once we can become aware of this, we are ready to start overcoming it!
As you are here right now reading this, I’m guessing you already know that this is something you want to change within you, and I applaud you for it!
Below I have listed 5 steps towards getting over the dreaded Imposter Syndrome. By following these steps, you are expanding your awareness, and therefore you are growing as a person and get the opportunity to heal yourself.
1. Become aware of your Ego.
I know that you’re a self-growth gal, so I’m sure you’ve heard the term “ego” before. But do you actually know what the ego truly is?
I’ll make it easy for you - the ego is that nagging little brat inside your head that is firing off thought after thought. Before you cast any judgement on this, know that you are NOT your ego!
I’ll say that again: You are not your ego!
In other words, you are NOT your thoughts!
This gives you a lot of freedom, because once you understand how you are something separate from what’s going on in your mind, the quicker you realise that you can’t judge yourself for what you’re thinking. You can’t judge yourself for thinking the thoughts you have.
2. Detach yourself from your Thoughts.
Now you know that you are not your thoughts, which is awesome! However, to be aware that the words you’re saying to yourself right now don’t come from YOU, can sometimes take some practice. This practice is about listening to your thoughts as if you’re listening to a radio, all the while knowing that you are just the observing factor here - nothing more.
You might have guessed it, but I’m talking about meditation.
Meditation allows you to clear your mind through slowing down the thought process and rather than actively thinking, you are simply observing your thoughts. This is why meditation has become such a wide-known step in any self-growth journey, because it lets you detach from your own thoughts, and when you do, you can heal and overcome anything!
Note: There’s a common misconception that meditation means to NOT think. This is not true. Like explained above, meditation is a practice of listening to your thoughts without feeling any attachment or identity with those thoughts.
Keep in mind that if emotions and feelings come up as a result of what you’ve been thinking, then you have not been able to fully detach from your thoughts yet.
So now it’s time to have a look at the imposter syndrome again more specifically.
Thoughts that often come up when we are feeling like an imposter, could be:
“You don’t know enough to be charging this much money” or
“You’re not good enough to be with him” or
“You shouldn’t be helping your friends with nutrition - you don’t know enough” and so on.
All of these thoughts boil down to the limiting belief: “I am not good enough”.
Now that you know the typical thoughts that will come up when you are feeling like an imposter, practice step 1 and 2, and see if you can not only become aware of specifically what your ego tells you, but also practice the notion that you are separate from your thoughts.
3. Realise that your Thoughts are not the Truth.
The next step is to realise that the thoughts you have are NOT the truth.
Think about it: Just because you are thinking something, doesn’t mean that it is true!
You might be thinking about a new colleague that she “seems bitchy” when really, you don’t know anything about her, and you’d be open to see what she’s really like before you pass any “final judgments" on her character. So in this scenario, you KNOW deep down that what you are thinking might not be the truth.
So those thoughts you are having about not being good enough or not being worthy - how come you think they are true?
4. Look at the Truth.
Let’s talk about the truth for a second: The truth is that you ARE good enough. Why? Because you are! You are a divine being that is so much bigger than your thoughts. You are so much more than your body, or your looks, or your money or other possessions.
You are true consciousness. You are a part of this Universe.
So knowing this, and truly understanding this, how could you NOT be good enough?
You are a part of the Universe, and so are your desires. So now that you know that you are MORE than good enough to achieve your goals and dreams, how can you ever let your ego impact you again?
5. Understand the Reason behind your Desires.
The last step (and my favourite) is understanding WHY you want what you want.
There’s a reason why you want to have a good relationship with your children, or why you want to pass your final exam in grad school, or why you want to help people… The reason why you want what you want, is because you are meant to have it!
If you want to start a spa centre, then that’s what the Universe WANTS for you to do.
If you want to have an amazing relationship to your soulmate (even if you don’t know who they are yet), then that’s what the Universe WANTS for you to have.
Know that whenever your intuition tells you something, it is the Universe (or God if you will) guiding you.
Not only are you meant to have it, there’s a source wanting you to have it!
Knowing that, everything gets so much clearer, and you can see that if you want to price your services that high, or if you want to help your friends with their nutrition, then that’s what you’re meant to do, and there is never anything wrong with you following your inner guidance.
A lot of thoughts might come up right now to try and disregard what you just read, but just remember again that it’s just your ego talking, and that you are not your ego.
You ARE good enough, in everything that you do. You are worthy. Not only do you deserve to have what you want, but you are destined for it!
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