Sending Sophie Backwards
Updated: Apr 15, 2022

Have we lived before? Does this matter? Well many spiritual healers would say that everyone has lived before and it shapes the person that we are today, and that looking backwards to these past lives can help to heal mental anguishes to help people move forwards with their life. It is performed by a practitioner who puts the client into a gentle state of hypnosis and then guides them through their suppressed memories of a former time, many people say that these are false recollections or even delusions, but others claim that it has led to spiritual enlightenment and helped solved a magnitude of mental obstacles.
Becca told me about her experience with past life regression very early on in our friendship and she credits it with changing her life direction. It helped her to hand her notice in, get her sh*t together and buy a round the world ticket for a travelling adventure with her boyfriend Luke something that she wouldn't have felt that she could do before undertaking past life regression therapy, it helped un stick her from the life she wanted to move forward with. How could I not be intrigued? Especially when she told me that she remembers being born and that her face squashed up when this was happening. I have to say i was VERY skeptical and thought what a load of BS, but if it helped Becca perhaps there could be something to gain from trying it.
So Becca arranged for me to undergo past life regression therapy with Yvette who was Becca's therapist and the lady that taught her reiki. I arrived and felt a bit on edge, I had been at a property mentoring session all day attempting to forward plan for my life and business and now I was going to be sent backwards what ever that meant! Yvette was very welcoming and offered me a seat, she picked up on my vibe very quickly and told me to relax I can't say instantly melted into the chair but she did try her best to put me at ease (I think I thought she was going to put me into some kind of deep trance and I'd see terrifying things). She asked me some background questions to understand what I would like to get from the session (again cynical Sophie reared her head and thought well she's asking me this to take me to places that will tell me what I need to know). I did try and ask her how past life regression is carried out, but it seems like it is some kind of deep secret (the secret being it's BS?!) Anyways on to the session:
I climbed up onto the bed and relaxed when she told me to relax, it became apparent that my version of being relaxed and Yvette's version of being relaxed are two different things she manipulated my legs and accused me of wearing my shoulders like earrings after the rearrangement of my limbs my body did feel much more fluid so that's one benefit ticked off. I was then put into a relaxed state almost as if she was taking me through a guided meditation talking to me about where I was going until I got to some steps and a tunnel. I was asked to describe what the steps and the tunnels were like and I had to imagine myself walking down these steps and through the tunnel and then answer some questions about where I was. At first I couldn't see anything and that was fine but Yvette continued asking me questions such as what did my feet look like and what was I wearing on them. I eventually answered that i was in a garden with no shoes on: now did I say this as Yvette had been asking me leading questions or was this my subconscious mind remembering a memory that had been suppressed?) I won't bore you with all the nitty gritty details, but in summary I accessed two "past lives"
Sophie the Hippy
I was alone in a beautiful garden with nothing on my feet, a long flowing skirt and hair that looks like when you fall asleep with plaits in and then let your hair down. There was nothing there but a little mud hit which contained a sewing machine, my family had past away and I seemed quite content pottering about my little garden. Yvette was constantly asking me questions and asking me what relevance I think that everything could have, she then asked me how this persons life ended. I said I had visions of this person ("me") walking into the sea and drowning, but I wasn't upset I just had had enough and wanted to see my family again. Now I think that this could be linked to me leaving my job as a pharmacist as I wasn't seeing my family and I was pretty fed up with the work life balance. The act of a serene death could be seen as me cutting those ties and happily being reunited with my family. This is just an interpretation that I have thought of whilst writing this blog....Did this happen in a past life of mine? I doubt it, has Yvette's questioning whilst in a state of deep relaxation helped me discover things that I needed to address most definitely, but it doesn't end there next up.....drum roll please......
Sophie the Scared Child
Again I was alone in a meadow which had flowers in. I must have been about 3 years old and was spinning around in circles all of a sudden a man came up to me and put a sack over my head shoving me in a deep, dark hole. I was trapped in a hole with something over my head and couldn't see a thing. I thought I died here but the way that Yvette was questioning me made me reevaluate and I managed to get out of the ground using brute force some feat for a little girl (I think that this could be telling me something about having issues around being seen as not being able to do things due to my gender or having to prove myself as a female. I attended an all girls school and never really felt like I was in competition with anyone for grades, I flunked my a levels attended a mixed retake college and what do you know suddenly got a huge desire to be better than the boys!). When Yvette asked me to go to how my life ended this time I was on a beach and there was plenty of booze and some people were high I had had far too much to drink (relatable!) and then a man came out of nowhere eating fire, with paint over his body in my drunken state I saw him as a threat and I clambered into a boat and headed out to sea when it was rough, the boat capsized and I went down with it the water enveloping me, I couldn't catch a breath and I drowned. So what could this be telling me? I have ended up in situations that I wouldn't find myself in had I not had a drink and I'm sure that there have been many situations that I don't remember or my brain has done it's best to forget. I gave up alcohol after not being able to remember how I got home from my brother in laws wedding, I felt so bad that this wedding had been rearranged 5 times due to COVID and I ended up getting wasted (sertraline and alcohol do not mix FYI perhaps I should also add social anxiety to the mix here) that I decided I wasn't going to drink whilst I was on sertraline, then that changed to until after I've done the half marathon that I've signed up for, well that's now past I'm still on the sertraline, but I now see myself as a non drinker. Maybe the message in this is drinking makes you feel like you are drowning.
There seemed to be a strong water theme running through my thoughts and Becca said she used to look up the meaning of her dreams and water has something to do with the subconscious. I just had a quick google and what came up was very apt : As water symbolises emotions in dreams, it is often interpreted as a way to express your inner feelings about your own spirituality, or your own spiritual journey. Water is of course seen as the being the source of life because of rain, lakes, rivers, streams and oceans, all of which we depend on.
So final thoughts:
Do I think I lived the things that I saw during the session - NO
Do I think it was autosuggestion - YES
Do I think this therapy has benefit - YES - although I do not believe that I have lived these lives before I do think that my mind went to places that I wanted it to go to address the things that I needed to address such as leaving my profession and stopping drinking
Will I return - You know what I can't believe that I am saying this but yes I will I felt like I got benefit from the session. It wasn't what I imagined at all and I can't wait to see what Yvette has up her sleeve for me next time.