The Beginning
Updated: Apr 15, 2022
Sophie has been coming over for Reiki. Luke’s been happy as its the only time our place looks SUPER tidy. I aim to create a ZEN atmosphere (for one morning a week.)
Sophie had been awake for up to three nights before crashing down with exhaustion. She suspected her insomnia was anxiety around her job. After years as a pharmacist Sophie found herself directing customers to Holland and Barrett for natural remedies. She felt she should stay in her stable career yet felt equally compelled towards finding her authentic self. (Whatever that meant.)
During our session, in my mind’s eye, I saw I saw another version of Sophie which I told her seemed like an ‘act.’ She told me that her husband Jamie had said: ‘It looks like you’re acting,’ when he was early to pick her up from work.
In recent weeks ‘Acting Sophie’ has now left the building and Original Sophie is now on a war path towards fully embracing her authentic self. Immediately after a healing session Sophie looked at me and said: ‘We’re going to do a podcast together.’ ‘Oh god,’ I thought glumly like Eeyore, I can’t be bothered with that, Reiki does bring out some weird stuff sometimes, hopefully she’ll forget about it.
Sophie, like a caffeinated Tigger did not forget about it. ‘I’m going to get you to do the Podcast,’ she taunted me.
Martine, the incredible lady I helped to write a book (about having a premature baby in a pandemic when your whole life has been dedicated to healing holistically) had recommended the ultimate audiobook on getting internet traffic this expert helps your dream customers to find you basically. He said that if you produce content daily then you never have to worry about money again. I worry about money a lot. After my stint as an MA student recently there were times when I checked my bank account hourly for weeks just hoping for a miracle.
If you produce content daily then you never have to worry about money again. Russell Brunson
So, ironically, I’m choosing to do a podcast about our spiritual journeys with money being the end goal. Full disclosure: one day I would like to sell you something. I don’t know what yet, something bookish like a book probably. For now I’m producing free content in the form of rambling blogs and professional podcasts – Sophie is very generously investing hundreds of pounds into a podcast agent for us.
We’ve started to write a description for our podcast and we have a first proof of a promo photo which we sent straight back because it looks like I have a mullet.
